Wednesday 24 March 2010

Pointless topping - Slough

If ever there was an example of pointless topping, it was my trip to Slough. The high(est) point of Slough is a spot height in the middle of a busy road along the northern border, with no obvious hill or slope. General consensus of opinion among fellow toppers is that the dog poo bin is the symbolic top, (something Slough shares with Southend) as trying to find the actual top would probably get you killed. Almost all of the walk to and from the top took place in Buckinghamshire along some narrow but rather busy lanes and some litter strewn bridleways and footpaths. I left Archie at Burnham Beeches which is a very pleasant open space a couple of miles north of Slough. The last time I visited you could drive through it but it now appears to be a car-free zone.

Traditionally Slough was part of Buckinghamshire until 1974 when it was dumped on poor old Berkshire. In 1998 it became a unitary authority when poor old Berkshire was dismantled, which is how it qualifies for a top. Slough is so devoid of any tourist attractions that it was impossible to find any on its own Council website. Its greatest claim to fame seems to be the association with Ricky Gervais and the Office. I find it hard to believe that it only 42nd on the list of least favorite towns in the Idler Book of Crap Towns. Extensive research for this blog reveals that Slough means swamp. Says it all!

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