Tuesday 24 February 2009

Alternative Surrey 2 - Richmond & Merton

I left Archie behind for this walk which would take me from Wimbledon Station, over Wimbledon Common, through Richmond Park and finally along the River Thames to Richmond Station, about 9 miles in total.

Lauriston Place & Wimbledon Common, (Merton) 180ft / 55m

Lucky old Merton has twin peaks, the first was unobtainable in the back garden of the very large house with the Dutch gable end. The second one was an unmarked spot height in the middle of a scrubby bit of Wimbledon Common, known only to the Wombles. Very unsatisfactory topping, no views and not much of a hill. However I did spot this interesting road sign.

Richmond Park (Richmond) 184ft / 56m

Once I had despatched the Merton tops, I set off towards Richmond following the Capital Ring across Wimbledon Common. As the morning wore on the sun came out but it was pretty cold. Wimbledon Common was alive with activity; dog walkers, strollers, hikers, joggers and runners, cyclists, horse riders and golfers. Not a place for quiet contemplation.

After crossing the A3, I entered Richmond Park via Robin Hood Gate. Richmond Park is London's largest park and seemed even busier than Wimbledon. However away from the gate the crowds thinned out a bit. I spotted some deer posing in the sunshine below the wonderfully named Spankers Hill Wood. I followed the Capital Ring past White Lodge, home of the Royal Ballet School, over the lake and up the hill into the woods. The trig point which marks the highest point is just to the north of Pembroke Lodge (posh cafĂ©) and just to the east of King Henry’s Mound. As the Mound is definitely higher than the trig point, I assume it doesn’t count as a top as it’s man made. It makes a more impressive top though, with its keyhole view back to St Pauls 10 miles away. St Pauls is framed by an avenue of trees and the view is protected by law. There was a equally impressive view to the west as Richmond Hill fell away to the river. It was too murky to spot Windsor Castle on the horizon, but there were plenty of other points of interest visible.

I wandered down the hill through Pembroke Lodge gardens, through Petersham meadows, along the Thames Path to Richmond Bridge. I collapsed into a seat on the train at Richmond nearly five hours after leaving Wimbledon Station and let the District Line carry me home.

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